Protect your Family:

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Merit Harbor Advisors, LLC can create a multi-faceted protection and wealth building plan for you and your family.  We offer a full complement of services to help you cover all of your personal assets as well as plan for the future.

Protect your Business:

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Your business is your livelihood and you have worked hard to build it.  You, your family, your vendors and everyone you employ rely on you everyday to keep it all sailing smoothly. A partnership with Merit Harbor Advisors will give you the peace of mind that being covered for any eventuality can bring. 

Personal Quotes on Your Schedule:

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Our online quote system gives you the flexibility to start your personal insurance quote when it is most convenient for you, even if that is the middle of the night. 

“Bowen is so personable and really strives to meet my insurance needs. I appreciate the time he takes to provide us the best coverage at the best price.”
- The Chaffin Family